Septic System Replacement Program Investments Target Water Quality and Protection of Public Health
On July 7th Governor Hochul announced an additional $30 million is now available through the State Septic System Replacement Program to support home and small business owners in the targeted replacement of aging and sub-standard septic systems and removal of cesspools in communities statewide.
The Septic Replacement Program improves water quality by encouraging and incentivizing homeowners' replacement of cesspools and failing or inadequate septic systems around a water body known to be impaired by septic system discharges. DEC and DOH identified priority geographic areas where property owners are eligible to participate based on the presence of a sole-source aquifer used for drinking water, known water quality impairment linked to failing septic systems, and/or the ability for septic system upgrades to mitigate water quality impairments.
To read the complete press release click here: