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What are the costs involved for I/A Septic Systems?

On average, I/A systems cost between $19,000 - $20,000 to purchase and install.*

Upon completion of an I/A system, all systems will require a yearly maintenance contract. Each local dealer/supplier can provide their costs associated to complete your project.


*I/A system costs vary based on number of bedrooms the system will be servicing, site location, and whether the I/A system will be for new or replacement installation. 

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I heard there is grant money available, is that true?

Yes it is true! Suffolk County Grant Program offers:

  • Maximum grant of up to $20,000

  • Additional loans of up to $10,000* for installation or upgrade to new I/A OWTS System on residential property. *Loans at 3% interest over 15 years

If your parcel is also located in Southampton Town, there is a maximum rebate of up to $20,000 available for residential and commercial projects. 

If your parcel is located in East Hampton Town, learn more here:

What if the grant money isn't enough?

Closing the gap between the grant program funds and the cost with bank loans information can be found here.

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